McMaster Musical Theatre

McMaster Musical Theatre (MMT)
Name McMaster Musical Theatre (MMT)
Formed 1960s
Location(s) Hamilton, ON, Canada
Genre(s) Musical Theatre

McMaster Musical Theatre (or MMT, as it is often abbreviated)[1], created in the 1960s, is one of two semi-professional acting companies at McMaster University. MMT, along with their sister company The McMaster Thespian Company[2], present productions annually involving student volunteer actors, musicians and crew. Their information can be found at their respective websites.

These productions have, in the past, taken place in the Robinson Memorial Theatre in Chester New Hall. Recent productions have moved to off-campus venues such as the Downtown Arts Centre (DAC) and the Westside Concert Theatre.

Former members include Canadian actor/writer/producer Martin Short, actor/producer/director Ivan Reitman and actor Eugene Levy.


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